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Are You Chasing "More" or Choosing "Better?”

Jan 05, 2025

So many of us are obsessed with "more," it's easy to believe that progress means piling on—more reps, more weight, more hours, more sweat. But when it comes to building a physical practice, more isn’t better. Better is better.

This simple yet profound principle can redefine how you approach fitness, health, and longevity. It’s about choosing quality over quantity, intention over excess, and sustainability over burnout.

The Allure of More

More feels productive. It gives us a tangible sense of effort. More is the double scoop of ice cream when one would have sufficed. More is the 90-minute gut-wrenching workout when 40 focused minutes would have produced the same—if not better results.

More can be a trap. Overreaching for too long can lead to overtraining, which can lead to injury, exhaustion, and burnout. An endless pursuit of "more" often robs us of the joy of movement, turning our physical practice into a chore rather than a cornerstone of vitality.

The Power of Better

"Better" shifts the focus. It asks us to refine rather than accumulate. It encourages us to:

  • Prioritize Quality: Form first. Function will follow. Get good at the fundamentals, then pursue more. Moving well keeps your joints healthy and builds strength that lasts.

  • Dial in the Dose: Manage the variables of training; volume, intensity, frequency, and complexity—tailored to you. This outshines any attempt to "do it all" all the time.

  • Stay Present: Mindless movement is replaced by mindful practice. Everything changes when we’re “in it” instead of “just doing it.”

Better isn’t flashy. It’s deliberate, precise, and grounded in the understanding that less, done with purpose, often leads to more meaningful results.

Applying Better to Your Physical Practice

  • Start with a Clear Intention: What’s the goal? Strength? Mobility? Longevity? Clarity guides better choices – it becomes your Northstar when life gets saucy.

  • Sustainability: You’re keeping this up for years, not just weeks. Better thrives on consistency, not sporadic bursts of intensity.

  • Celebrate Incremental Progress: Better isn’t about quantum leaps; it’s about small improvements over time. Those “little bits” are cumulative and unstoppable.

Be Like Goldilocks — And A Composer

Choosing "better" doesn’t mean doing less forever. Sometimes, better means doing more—but only when it’s earned and aligned with your NorthStar. And more isn’t “as much as you can do,” it’s “just enough.” Be like Goldilocks . . . find just the right amount of the right stuff to do at the right time. This is gonna take a minute – listen to your body. Adjust accordingly.

Think of your journey as a finely tuned instrument. More is noise; better is music. When you choose better, you’re composing a life that’s stronger, longer, and uniquely your own.

So the next time you’re tempted to load the barbell or cram an extra two workouts into your time-crunched week, ask yourself:

Am I chasing more, or am I pursuing better?

PS. The story you think it takes may be the thing that's held you back from succeeding or even starting in the past. Let's connect on a complimentary call and discuss how you can develop a physical practice. On our call, we’ll explore what’s possible for your life—more energy, confidence, and strength to live life on your terms. No pitch, no pressure, just a chance to discover how this approach can work for you. Message me – I’m excited to hear from you.